• What is Building Communication Bridges:

    inside and out?

    What is it about


    Have you ever cooked a pot of soup with a match? Changed a car engine with a fork? Ever thought you were being clear when communicating only to discover the other person heard something different? Are you ready to respond rather than impulsively react, transform communication challenges and communicate with clarity?


    Despite our best intentions, old decisions and survival communication styles can create insurmountable gaps. We need new ways to communicate; Building Communication Bridges: Inside and Out training offers this.


    Learn valuable road maps and skills to transform challenges into valuable resources. Learn to speak with clarity, know what you need and maximize your resources of being fully who you are.


    Use your power to heal and connect.


    “Pain that is not transformed is transmitted” — Brené Brown


    There is an Underworld territory that most – possibly all – humans visit, called the Swamp. As its name suggests, the Swamp is a stinking quagmire that belches and kills lives. Like quicksand, in a matter of seconds the swamp can suck away intimacy, love, clarity, presence, care and everything that is important to you. It can come on as suddenly as an aggressive flu, sucking the sunlight from people who would otherwise shine with life and splendor, or it can sink in more slowly, like black tea darkening the water in a cup.

    There is another territory that exists in most – possibly all – human beings, called the Garden. It is a place where the pearls of your heart bloom and germinate. It's where you become the gardener who has the skills to cultivate and create the relationship inside yourself with yourself and outside yourself with your beloved ones.


    Between the Swamp and the Garden, there is a bridge. You are on this bridge each moment and have a decision which direction to take in each interaction.


    Right or left. Swamp or Garden. Each direction leads to completely different territory.

    This decision happens in every interaction you have, with yourself or with another person, in less then a second, and 99% of the time it happens unconsciously. It's as automatic as breathing, or the beat of your heart. You do not think. When you realize it, you've already exploded in anger, or blocked your loved one's communication, or it is judging yourself about the things you spoke or did not speak, or picked up your cell phone and ignored what the person had to say.


    BCB is about learning tools and maps that support you to make this decision more conscious between the swamp and the garden. It is a place for you to practice relational skills that opens more space in your to meet and cultivate more of your inner garden and the garden in your relationships.  


    KEEP PRACTISING The key after participating in a Building Communication Bridges: Inside & Out training is practise.


    Weekly online Possibility Team: James Andrew holds a weekly online Possibility Team. This is a place for connection, learning and practise. jamesandrewswill@gmail.com Here's the link for the Thursday night Possibility Team. The password is: Possibly


    Call one of your team: Reach out to each other and ask for a 10 minute listening space, request a 4 feelings check-in. Let them know you are hooked and do they have possibilities.




    Next Building Communication Bridges: Inside & Out  October 28/29 Auckland.


    Expand The Box Training: This is the foundation training for Possibility Management. https://www.possibilitymanagement.nz/


    SPARK’s Specific Practice About Radical Knowledge link. There are over 200 SPARK's: Will you organise a monthly SPARK group. Take one of the SPARKs and explore and experiment with it for the month? https://sparks-english.mystrikingly.com/




    Possibility Management has over 500 websites. https://possibilitymanagement.org I invite you to look at the Becoming Unhookable website especially. https://becomeunhookable.mystrikingly.com


    Next Culture Radio has many recordings and treasures. https://www.nextcultureradio.org/


    Weekly Global PM Study Group: Clinton Callahan is the author of his book Radiant Joy Brilliant Love. This book is now reprinted as Building Love That Lasts. There are around 104 recordings on next culture radio of the weekly study group. The study group meets Wednesdat 5am - 7am NZ winter time. This is the link if you are interested in joining live. If you're not an early bird the recordings will be posted on next cutture radio. Study group link



    Keep your center. Stay grounded and bubbled.


    Arohanui Janet