• What is Building Communication Bridges:

    Inside and Out?


    Have you ever cooked a pot of soup with a match? Changed a car engine with a fork? Ever thought you were being clear when communicating only to discover the other person heard something different? Are you ready to respond rather than impulsively react, transform communication challenges and communicate with clarity?


    Despite our best intentions, old decisions and survival communication styles can create insurmountable gaps. We need new ways to communicate; Building Communication Bridges: Inside and Out training offers this.


    Learn valuable road maps and skills to transform challenges into valuable resources. Learn to speak with clarity, know what you need and maximize your resources of being fully who you are.


    Use your power to heal and connect.


    “Pain that is not transformed is transmitted” — Brené Brown


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    There is an Underworld territory that most – possibly all – humans visit, called the Swamp. As its name suggests, the Swamp is a stinking quagmire that belches and kills lives. Like quicksand, in a matter of seconds the swamp can suck away intimacy, love, clarity, presence, care and everything that is important to you. It can come on as suddenly as an aggressive flu, sucking the sunlight from people who would otherwise shine with life and splendor, or it can sink in more slowly, like black tea darkening the water in a cup.


    There is another territory that exists in most – possibly all – human beings, called the Garden. It is a place where the pearls of your heart bloom and germinate. It's where you become the gardener who has the skills to cultivate and create the relationship inside yourself with yourself and outside yourself with your beloved ones.


    Between the Swamp and the Garden, there is a bridge. You are on this bridge each moment and have a decision which direction to take in each interaction.


    Right or left. Swamp or Garden. Each direction leads to completely different territory.

    This decision happens in every interaction you have, with yourself or with another person, in less then a second, and 99% of the time it happens unconsciously. It's as automatic as breathing, or the beat of your heart. You do not think. When you realize it, you've already exploded in anger, or blocked your loved one's communication, or it is judging yourself about the things you spoke or did not speak, or picked up your cell phone and ignored what the person had to say.


    BCB is about learning tools and maps that support you to make this decision more conscious between the swamp and the garden. It is a place for you to practice relational skills that opens more space in your to meet and cultivate more of your inner garden and the garden in your relationships.  

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  • Upcoming Trainings


    Date: 9 and 10th of March

    Time: 9h30am - 5pm

    Venue: TBC

    Investment: $395

    *Sliding scale available on request.

    Payment plans available.

    Registration at janetredmond@gmail.com


    Dates: 4 Mondays, 8 to 29th April

    Time: 8 - 10am NZ, 8 - 10pm CET

    Online, Zoom

    Investment: $250

    *Sliding scale available on request.

    Payment plans available.

    Registration at gabifagundes4@gmail.com


    Date: 13 and 14th of April

    Time: 9h30am - 5pm

    Venue: TBC

    Investment: $395

    *Sliding scale available on request.

    Payment plans available.

    Registration at janetredmond@gmail.com

  • Pot of Gems

    Hearticles, Writings, discoveries, insights

    You are Supposed to Pretend you are Not Scared Chronic unfelt fear is almost a given in society...
      Israel Adesanya, is deemed to be one of the strongest middleweight fighters in the world. In...
    February 8, 2024
    A word has the ability to activate in you images, sensations, emotions, feelings, memories,...
  • Trainers

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    Janet Redmond


    My name is Janet Redmond. I'm BCB Trainer, and Traneir Trainers.


    I am a Next Culture Village builder and Weaver with 30 years’ experience as a trainer, retired counsellor and international educator.


    I am committed to equipping people and groups with skills for loving, transformative, powerful action and relationships.


    Learn more


  • Apprentices and co-spaceholders

    Replacing oneself is an essential tradition as a Possibilitator, so I’m delighted to introduce . . .

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    James Andrews

    I have been a snowboard instructor, glacier guide, conservation worker on offshore islands, dishwasher, toilet cleaner, and a Polytech tutor for horticulture and Permaculture. I ran my own market garden for a few years, then established a Permaculture Design consultancy.


    I am an instrument of Gaia, and so are you! This is excellent news and I am moved by the observation that the largest obstacle to looking after each other, ourselves and our Earth are the stories that we act out in our daily lives, the unexamined patterns and ruts that limit what we see as our horizon.


    By cleaning up your communication and getting more honest about what you are really saying and trying to do, you can heal what needs healing, say what you really mean and get on with creating the world that you really want to create!

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    Sylvan Kuczera

    I'm a relationship engineer who has a passion for transformation and figuring out when communication breaks down and finding solutions to get back on track.


    For many years I have been on an adventure of learning new tools to feeling better in my head. This path has landed me in these spaces with Janet and I have been blown away by experiencing how a few simple tool could change people lives.

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    Briar Goldie

    I’m Briar, an apprentice space-holder and researcher of edges and awareness. I am committed to exploration, courageous experimentation, and fostering transformation through love and discomfort.


    As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” So, I invite you to courageously journey beyond your awareness, your comfort and the confines of modern culture, into the depths of the unknown - here possibilities are endless.


    GO! Be brave!

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    Gabriela Fagundes

    My name is Gabriela Fagundes.


    When I climb a mountain I'm looking for new caves to explore, flowers I've never seen before, people I meet along the way, and animals that come to say hello. I'm looking for the breeze that unexpected kiss my skin.


    I'm studying to become a life experimenter scientist, my study material: Life itself.


    I have more than 100 years until I graduate. This degree requires an enjoyable experience in birds, plants, different kinds of communication, elements of nature, rivers, mountains, sky, animals and people: life in action.


    Outdoor experiences with alternative community experiences and high quality human interactions are one of my few goals in life.


    I carry with me a spark of energy for special environments and people who can step out of normality and into another realm of existence. One that adds mystery, feelings, aliveness, questions without answers and Cousciouss creation to life.



    So would I.


    Get in contact with me.

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    Millicent Haughey

    I am a Writer, Researcher and Edge-worker. The fire rages in me to co-create a thriving future for human’s on Earth. Core to this is making authentic initiatory processes embedded in the culture so that radical levels of responsibility can emerge. I write about what I discover on this journey and open doorways for you to discover layers of your own aliveness also. Get in touch with me if anything resonates with you here. Collaboration and team is essential to building out a new way of being with each other, ourselves and the earth.


    Get to know more about me.

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    I’m Briar, an apprentice space-holder and researcher of edges and awareness. I am committed to exploration, courageous experimentation, and fostering transformation through love and discomfort.


    As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” So, I invite you to courageously journey beyond your awareness, your comfort and the confines of modern culture, into the depths of the unknown - here possibilities are endless.


    GO! Be brave!

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    I’m Briar, an apprentice space-holder and researcher of edges and awareness. I am committed to exploration, courageous experimentation, and fostering transformation through love and discomfort.


    As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” So, I invite you to courageously journey beyond your awareness, your comfort and the confines of modern culture, into the depths of the unknown - here possibilities are endless.


    GO! Be brave!

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    I’m Briar, an apprentice space-holder and researcher of edges and awareness. I am committed to exploration, courageous experimentation, and fostering transformation through love and discomfort.


    As Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.” So, I invite you to courageously journey beyond your awareness, your comfort and the confines of modern culture, into the depths of the unknown - here possibilities are endless.


    GO! Be brave!

  • Get in Touch!

    Let us know which workshop you are interested in attending.