Context is the Soil for a Regenerative Culture

Learning to Feel Scared is part of it

You are Supposed to Pretend you are Not Scared

Chronic unfelt fear is almost a given in society today. Scared of money, time, your appearance, what other people are thinking about you, what your boss is thinking about, your health, your future. And you are suppose to pretend you are not scared. To instead say that you are worried, anxious, stressed or concerned. But never scared.

Fear is one of the feelings humans are designed to feel. It is a specific state of sensations and energy flow through the body. Such that a more aroused state is reached.

An Addiction

Such an arousal can become addicting. You can become addicted to the “turn on” the constant flight, the busy-ness, the speed of things, the addiction to worry about something. Such as the future, what is happening in other countries, the state of things. Constantly needing to do in order to not actually just feel your fear. Instead run on the adrenalin buzz of a constant background idle of unfelt, emotional fear.

The human body is a complex biological organism, just as animals are and, just as with animals, the human body was not designed to be ‘on’ all the time. The body is designed to rise and fall, ebb and flow like an ocean of tides and sensations not to be high tide all the time.

What do you do when you realise it is time to let the tide go out but the circumstances of your life, the culture around you, does not let that be a possibility?

What happens when the “forest” in which this animal of you lives, works and plays in does not allow for true rest? When instead the race goes constantly from one thing to another, always on, always moving, always getting somewhere. Threats just around the corner, ghosts of jaguar breath waking you at night, concerns constantly tapping at your heels.

What then?

Such is the life of the city. Such is the life of 24/7 access to internet screens and work on your fingertips, such is the life of internet static, the radio always caught between two channels. Not ever fully clear and coherent, not ever fully off. Constantly buzzing, constantly busy constantly trying striving, constantly on.

Until you are not

The flip side of “on all the time” is burn out. The nervous system gets tired of firing all the time, empty of reserves it packs up shop, it gives up. Tiredness, apathy take over. Soothing behaviours and numbing habits become the norm. Alcohol, prescription drugs, weekend getaways, unspoken affairs, over eating, binge TV watching, pick your flavour.

An apathetic culture is so tired it can not even rise an eye to look into the next generation’s future and prepare for what they will inherit. Such a population of people have reached maximum. No capacity to paint a brighter, richer, fuller future of beauty, art and diversity.

A real Possible Future

A future that could be a regenerative culture. Based on interrelatedness, not separation. Of clear and robust humans who stand for the earth, of the earth. A planetary civilisation that moves as an organism of care, abundance, resource distribution and actualisation of the true potential within every human heart. Such a civilisation would choose something totally different to do with its energy resources and time on this planet. Such a civilisation would place the authentic initiation of its youth at the core of village life. The satellite nano nations and clusters of villages would cross pollinate and co create as they seek to foster the diversity and gifts through to full maturation that are inherent to each human being and life form. That is in stark contrast to the current cultural norm that is set on turning out factory workers, office personal and people who follow rules well.

Such a society would not be based on linear roadmaps into a known outcome nor product out put. Such a civilisation would be far more curious over process and the innate value within each human and how best to call that forth.

Imagine for a moment that you walk onto a planet where everything you could ever want is there already. All the food you could ever need, enough warmth and clothing, enough human company, enough space for you, enough clean fresh water, enough materials to build your home. Such a place exists and you are here. What then would you do with your time and energy? What would you value? What would you actually want to create, practise and nurture into existence? What stand would you take?

These are the questions that burn at the edge of the fabric of our society right now. These are the questions that rumble through the the dark, as the winds of change blow over the landscape of humanity’s place on this earth right now.

Take a moment to ask yourself:

Go closer to your heart, about two steps, aught to do it. Just two steps closer to your vulnerable beating human heart and really listen to what you hear, go on take 5minutes to do this. I will wait here for you. I promise.

  • What do I really care about?
  • Where do I want to put my energy ?
  • What matters to me?
  • What do I really value?

From these questions the bones of a totally different society emerge. Not one run by unfelt fear, nor creed , nor scarcity of time, money or resources. Not one that seeks to dominate, control, manipulate, own nor accumulate. Rather one that seeks to nurture, protect, refine, and initiate themselves into a place of authentic adulthood, so that life stands a chance on earth right now.

A Different Context Gives Different Results

Radical responsibility is a context that enables that. A soil from which a new culture can emerge. To allow a moving closer to each other, a move towards a deeper experience of being human. The bedrock of the society that is crumbling now, is based in a context sourced from a soil that only allows an adolescent a level of responsibility to happen. The protestant ‘work ethic’ belief system runs little veins of mould through the cheese of our collective consciousness — work hard, make money, get into heaven when you die.

Work to maintain the hierarchical structure where by there is always a (mostly male) outside authority. Whether that is a boss, a government, a church or religious leader, a guru, or god in some form. Such a society remains adolescent as it maintains a parent to child dynamic, in all aspects the way individuals relate to the world and to responsibility. Such a society has no capacity nor interest in initiation into authentic adult hood as the context, the soil does not provide the conditions for that. Such a society is capable of living on a planet with finite resources and fantasying that building exponential growth systems is not a problem. Such a society is capable of killing the planet that its life depends on. Through repeated patterns of behaviour that cause destruction, pollution and death to the diversity that makes life possible, while at he same time denying that the consequences of its actions are real.

The out come of adolescent levels of responsibility is the “crop” so to speak, of a soil or context woven from distinctions that only allow for that. For humans to remain at adolescent level responsibility, where cheap thrills, and status is what spins the wheels. Where pleasing an outside authority figure is maintained and where by, you really are not required to grow up in order to have a life in the society.

The context is woven from thought ware and distinctions that feed believes and story-worlds that become the culture that unfolds its self. The culture that is the backdrop of the day to day living experience of the humans that weave that culture, the rules of engagement, used to interact with each other.

What is forgotten is that the context is sourced by the people. A context can feel remarkably real and permanent, as the repeated patterns are so familiar. How ever, it is possible to step two inches outside of it look in and realise, “wow, that which seems so real was invented, meaning something else can be invented also!”.


What is happening now is that there is an opportunity to call forth a totally new context. A context which allows for the deep healing necessary to free up space with in human beings to create something else. A context that allows for the possibility of initiation in to authentic adulthood. The possibility of those processes becoming a reality for humans to go through. A context that allows for evolution, exploration, adventure, creation, experimentation and radical collaboration between adults. In all aspects of life.

The Place of Fear

Chronic unfelt, fear drives a manic culture. Modern culture has become a manic culture. That in order to simply survive in modern culture, despite all the gizmos, gadgets and technology, you must be going at 100miles/hour during the day, then deep into the artificially light night. Humans push on. Out of touch with the reality of their connection to nature, as nature. Running on emotional, numbed, unfelt, fear. A haze of “shoulds”, old stories and engrained habits burning the midnight oil well beyond the reserves of our own bodies and that of the planet. The unfelt fear running in the background, the constant high tide is a sort of inflammation. A symptom which points to a much deeper issue. An issue in the tissues of our collectively agreed, unconsciously maintained context. Keeping that unconscious causes a build up of puss, of debris and a stagnation of the flow of energy. It becomes a collective trauma. Unprocessed because the context in which the trauma occurred does not have the consciousness, nor space to heal. A hot spot of infection with out poultice. The very society that created it not able to offer it the cooling or the out going tide, that it needs.

So what does form the context that enables modern culture to cause such inflammation?

It is specific thought ware and distinctions, particularly around value and worth. Do you of these sound familiar?

  • “your value is placed on how much you can produce and for how long you can work for”
  • “fear is not ok, you can be stressed because that means you are providing alot of value by trying hard”
  • “you must never know your own innate value of simply existing”
  • “you must worry (but not say you are scared) about what other people are thinking about you”
  • “you must be scared (but not say you are) of old age and use that to make sure you are spending all your working life making surplus money now so that you have money in the future to pay for your health care”.
  • “Don’t take more responsibility than the boss, because then you will have more work”
  • “responsibility is a burden to bare”
  • “you rest when you are dead”
  • “be in constant competition in some form with another being, entity or corporate body”
  • “you always have to be playing in someone else's game — life is work”
  • “Success is hard work and means someone else looses”
  • “don’t feel too much”.

It is possible to do that, because there is within humans an uncanny ability to lift themselves out of right now, be in a concept and live in myth, story and be carried across a life time on a river of culture. Shaping and being shaped by arbitrary rules, beliefs, traditions all dreamed up out of the human designed ideals. Ideals that have the ability to cause disconnection from what is. Ideals tapping dangerously at he edge of fantasy worlds. We are collectively facing the fall out of centeries of cultures that ran on the fantasy worlds that what we do has no impact on the planet. Ideals that it is possible to build an exponential growth rate on a finite planet. That is what I mean by being out of touch with reality.

A new context produces new results

There is another way. The healing and regeneration comes from a new context. A context built from different distinctions.

It starts in many ways, one way is not admit to yourself that you do not know how to feel. That you know everything about most things, except how to be in your human body. And fear is an excellent place to start. The fear in your system can be felt and in doing so you come closer to your own nature, to nature as it expresses through you. closer to reality.

A Different Soil

A culture sourced in radical responsibility is birthed through forming a different soil in which to sow the seeds of that culture. The soil is the context and just as soil is composed of differing amounts of certain elements and compounds the context is made from different distinctions, in turn a totally different culture flows. Which creates a wildly different fabric — a different weave of the cloth in which human can wrap themselves. Such that the outcomes of what is possible for that civilisation is totally different. Which means a regenerative culture that values the earth, each other and all of life in all its diversity is possible. Such that the possibility of taking radical responsibility for all of life becomes an ecstatic life giving option, not an intellectual concept, a burden nor a fantasy. And such that authentic initiation into adulthood becomes a reality for the people in that culture. A context sourced in radical responsibility is made from a handful of different distinctions and thought-ware, including:

  • Feelings are neutral sources or energy and information
  • Emotions are different from feelings
  • Emotions are from the past and are doorways for healing
  • Healing emotions is a three phase healing where by you become a different shape, not simply going “back to what you were”
  • feelings are for navigating the present moment and creating, they come and are completed within 3minutes
  • there are four feelings; anger, sadness, fear and joy
  • there are four emotions
  • the emotions can also be mixed with one or two other emotions
  • After the age about 18 years the human being is designed to feel each feeling all the way to 100% intensity
  • the process of doing so energetically shifts something in that person and they become able to source and radiate energy rather than absorbing, that is called stelation (becoming star like, rather than a planet).
  • there are more….

Such a society that unfolds from a context built of those distinctions, has the capacity to create very different outcomes for the planet and for the people that live on it — you and me. Such a culture sourced from a radically responsible context has the capacity (sufficient distinctions and matrix) to fully initiate its young people into authentic adulthood. That means, if you were to go through such processes, that something will shift in the way your consciousness as an alive being moves through you. Your actions and choices will be radically sourced from a place of awareness. Awareness of the impact of your life has on the earth, other people and yourselves. Such that choices become different, not by force or a slave drive mentality from an outside authority rather, the way you interact with life is different so that taking more responsibility becomes an ecstatic reality. That is the type of society that will create new results on the earth and for each other.

That is the great invitation that is being offered to the world and each human right now. To step to the edge, to become a researcher, to start experimenting and to discover totally new ways that are closer to the reality of what is right now.

You can try something else now:

Fear has a quality of picking up on the environment in a way that brings information about what needs your attention. It does that by noticing details and placing that in the wider picture. for example an unfilled promise, a time commitment or something that needs handling now.

Say to your self “I feel scared because…” and let your fear speak, for 2 minutes and do not censor yourself, just let it come. If you get stuck, choose to get curious about what is really happening for you, what are you experiencing right now? what is happening in your body? Where is your attention?

You might be surprised at what you find. Note down in your note book what you discover.

Start Connecting

When you first start doing this, you might notice that you are actually aware of a lot more than you thought. That is ok. If you start doing this often you might discover some old stuck fears, theses are emotions that have built up over the years of suppressing your fear and other feelings. If you experience something overwhelming or you want to research more, you can reach out to some one on this Telegram Group

or read through this Website and find a person to connect with.

Together, one choice, one interaction, one new decision at a time we start tilling a soil that will grow a future for a thriving planetary community.